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Selectmen's Minutes June 19, 2006

June 19, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Ron Verblauw and Nancy Clark

The meeting was opened by Chairman Smith at 7:03 PM.

Emma Smith thanked Rob Verblauw for his assistance with manning the microphone at the June 5th meeting in the Sherburne Gym.

Discussion was held on town owned property.


George Grant:  CZC Process

Mr. Grant did not show for his 7 PM appointment.


Please  see agenda attached to file copy of minutes.


Hydro Committee – Purpose & Structure

Donna Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that the terms of appointment for the Hydro Committee all expire at the end of June 2006.  A letter was sent to all members asking them to contact the Selectmen’s office if they were interested in volunteering for the Committee again.  She received a response from Bob Collins and Charles Smith.  Both informed her that they felt there was no reason for the committee to continue as they really did not have a purpose.  The committee has not met in 2 years.    D. Nashawaty said the committee does not have a charge or an official duty at this time, but feels it is a helpful arm of the Board of Selectmen and should be retained.  Richard Leone stated that when the committee was formed, there were technical issues facing the Town and that is no longer the case.  He stated that Plant Operator, Bob Collins, has been doing a good job tending to the plant on a daily basis.  Fred Gallup suggested that the Town Manager draft a letter stating that the Board does not wish to disband the committee because it feels the committee is an asset to the community and are an excellent entity to contact
Board of Selectmen
June 19, 2006

should the need arise.  William Roach stated that there was a need for the committee to exist when it was first created to work out a contract with Public Service Co. of NH for the sale of electricity.  Now the Town is getting a good price, and he agrees that the
committee should not disband just incase they and their expertise are needed in the future.    D. Nashawaty will draft a letter to the committee stating thanking them for their past service and the Board would like to keep the committee intact should they to be called upon in the future.

Good Citizenship Nomination

Stephen White stated he would nominate Howard Sargent as he feels he is very community minded.  D. Nashawaty stated that the nomination is not due until August 1st.  S. White suggested that the Board think about this and discuss it at another meeting.  Emma Smith stated she would like to have this item on the agenda of the July 17th meeting.   This will be done.


Safety Services Building

D. Nashawaty reported that the Fire Department is gradually moving into the building now and the old fire station will be taken down as soon as possible.   She asked the Selectmen if they had noticed the trees that block the view of the building.  She has asked that they be thinned out and then selectively cut down.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Police Department will be moving in this Thursday.  The telephones will be installed tomorrow.  She stated that the DSL has been disconnected but the department could still use their lap tops so is still functional.  D. Nashawaty explained how a punch list works.  Items on a punch list are those that need fixing such as cracked windows, blemishes, etc.  Fred Gallup stated that he noticed that Freddy’s side of the road has still not been graded and asked D. Nashawaty to speak to the Road Agent about this.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the yard has been seeded.  The Information Booth has been seeded as well and the new sign installed.  The sign will have a roof with a light on it so that people may look at a map of Sunapee after dark.  Emma Smith asked if D. Nashawaty had a possible date for an open house.  D. Nashawaty explained that the departments are reluctant to have an open house until the floor is completed and the building completely functional.  This might take up to six months.  

Town Hall Renovation

D. Nashawaty presented a map to the Board of the outside basement entry way of the Town Hall.  The entry is proposed to be placed under the front corner of the building, under the Town Manager’s office. The side of the yard of the building will be graded

Board of Selectmen
June 19, 2006

down and drainage installed.  A retaining wall will be erected to create the handicapped entrance.  The office window in the Manager’s office will need to be moved over and a large window installed on the entry way with lights to make it visible at night.  Richard Leone asked when the project would begin.  D. Nashawaty stated that the Highway
Department will be doing the labor so she only needed to purchase the materials needed out of the $75,000 appropriated.  She believes that the highway will begin in less than two weeks.  R. Leone asked when the inside might be completed.  D. Nashawaty responded that she was not sure because this can’t be started until the entry is done.  S. White stated that he wanted D. Nashawaty to keep track of the monies available.  D. Nashawaty said she would not start the inside project until she has all of the costs just to ascertain she has enough money.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the group of trees to the left of the building will need to be removed.  Bushes will be transplanted.  William Roach stated that he is concerned with the parking lot being under the basement level  which could create some possible flooding.  D. Nashawaty stated she was too, but was explained the drainage plan by Charlie Hirschberg.  She believes the drainage plan will work    W. Roach also expressed concern that the drain might freeze if it does not have the proper slope.  Fred Gallup asked that D. Nashawaty make sure that the Highway Department realizes they have road work to do this summer.  D. Nashawaty stated she would.  


Building Permit Fee

D. Nashawaty asked the Board to waive the fee for the building permit for the new athletic recreation shed.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to waive the fee for the recreation shed.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty asked if the Board would allow her to write a letter of thanks to Lavalley’s Building Supply for their donations toward the construction of the shed.  Motion was made by Stephen White to have the Town Manager send a letter of thanks to LaValley’s Building Supply for their donation.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Recreation Committee

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that there are two people interested in being appointed to the Recreation Committee.  Scott Blewitt is having background checks down and will let D. Nashawaty know  the outcome.  Also D. Nashawaty asked if the Board had noticed that in their reading file there were copies of thank you letters to individuals who have donated items to the Recreation Department such as canoes, kayaks, sail boats, etc. for

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June 19, 2006

use at Dewey Beach.  They noted they had and thought is was wonderful of these individuals to donate to the Recreation Department.

Gardeners & Beautification Committee

Stephen White asked the Board if they would agree to hold a meeting with the Beautification Committee and Sunapee Gardeners.  He feels badly about the turn out at the June 5th meeting where a hearing was to be held for the proposed Children’s Garden.  He believes that some of the members of the Beautification Committee and Gardeners left the meeting feeling hurt and unappreciated.  S. White stated that there are a great number of people in town who feel that the Selectmen are allowing these individuals to act on their own, and the Board is not.  The individuals are not out of control as felt by some, and have always come before the Board of Selectmen with their plans and ideas before acting.   S. White stated he would like to make the relationship between the Beautification Committee, Gardeners and Board of Selectmen a smooth, good working relation.  He would like to meet with them so the Board can relate just how much they have appreciated their service to the committee for the past several.  S. White stated that the harbor looks beautiful now.  D. Nashawaty suggested that a work meeting be held.  This way it would be the only topic to be discussed and a round table discussion could be held.  S. White agreed.  Nancy Clark, Gardener, asked if the moratorium was still on banning any work in the harbor.  She was told it was not.  It was only in place until the June 5th meeting.  D. Nashawaty stated she recently received a call from the Gardeners regarding planting shrubs and replacing some.  D. Nashawaty related to the Board that she is very uncomfortable now when approach about planting activities.  She told the individual that they may replace shrubs, but do not plant any new ones until it has been approved by the Board of Selectmen.  Nancy Clark stated that the Gardeners have never done anything unless it was authorized by the Board of Selectmen.  She stated that many members have worked on master gardens and landscaping.  All of the plantings have been paid for through private donations.  The Gardeners and Beautification Committee will not do anything to obstruct the view of the lake.  N. Clark stated she wished the Board had faith in them and they feel they need more support from the Board.  Richard Leone explained that as a Selectman, he must represent everyone in the community.  He will not ignore anyone’s questions.  R. Leone stated he requested a moratorium in planting in the harbor so the public and Board of Selectmen would know what was going
on.  R. Leone added that he appreciates what the Beautification Committee and Gardeners have done and he did not intentionally mean to hurt them.  He stated that this incident got way out of hand and the Board needs to form a dialogue with the Beautification Committee and Gardeners.  William Roach stated that the original plan did not have the kidney shaped garden nor did it contain a wall in front of the gazebo.  Stephen White stated that he wanted to ask the Town Manager to pick a date for a meeting between the Selectmen, Beautification Committee and Gardeners.  Fred Gallup stated that before meeting, he would like to have goals set.  He does not want to rehash the proposed children’s garden and have the same kind of meeting that was held on June
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5th.  Emma Smith agreed. and added that at the meeting goals and projects should be discussed.  She does not feel that the Selectmen should have to make a decision on everything and this can be one of the items for discussion.  E. Smith asked D. Nashawaty
to put this meeting on the July 17th meeting for 7:30 PM.  Discussion will be held on the charges of the committee.  E. Smith believes the Board has been remiss in not doing this before.  Ron Verblauw stated that he believes a lot of the town functions on rumors and news articles and 50 people can make a lot of noise  He believes it is a good idea to set perimeters for the Beautification Committee and Gardeners.  R. Leone agreed stating a process needs to be developed.

Nancy Clark stated that some bushes in the harbor area need replacing.  Children have been running through them with skate boards.  She asked if it would be OK for the replacement.  The Board told it would and suggested that a sign be put up stating “No Skate Boarding”.

WMTK Radio

Emma Smith reported that she spoke with the manager of WMTK Radio about doing a weekly update on his radio station to let people know what’s happening in Sunapee.  She stated he loved the idea and will work with E. Smith and D. Nashawaty to receive the weekly news.  E. Smith stated she hoped this would defuse the untrusting attitude of some of the residents.

Sullivan County Preparedness

D. Nashawaty reported  to the Board that the towns of New London, Newbury, Grantham and Sunapee  are forming the group.  The kick off meetings are July 12th and 13th .  She will attend the first with the Health Officer and Emergency Management Director.  She will not attend any further meetings but will have the other two attend.

Thrift Shop

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the thrift office located in the Old Town Hall wants to move into the police office area once they have moved to the New Safety Services Building.  This section of the building has bathroom facilities.  D. Nashawaty did not plan in the budget to heat what will be the old Police Station.  Fred Gallup stated that the people who run the shop are doing a good job and the Board supports them.  He suggested that the Board support them in an attempt to try to find another, better location for them.  Stephen White agreed stating the Board needs to get the word out to the town.  Emma Smith said this would be a good thing to discuss during the town’s time on the radio.  D. Nashawaty will write a letter to Betsy Webb explaining the Board’s actions.  William Roach hopes that something can be done for the shop as what it does is vital to the community.  They have raised donations for the fire department, food pantry, and

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June 19, 2006

college scholarships.   F. Gallup suggested perhaps a small bath could be installed for the shop at the present site.  

Lions Club

Stephen White stated the Lions Club is looking for property to construct a community building.  He wonders if the Town might be willing to give the club a small track of land to build this.

Eagle Times  / Sullivan County

William Roach asked if other members had read the editorial in today’s Eagle Times.  The article chastises both Police Chief Cahill and Police Chief Hoyt.   W. Roach expressed  his dislike of the editorial.  

W. Roach informed the Board that he read an article in the paper stating the Sunapee will save $550,000 on their next county tax bill because the budget of the county has been reduced.  He also understands that the county jail allows inmates to work on municipal projects and some are currently working at Moody Park in Claremont.  He wonders if this service is available to all towns in the county.   There is rumor that the county wishes to build assisted living centers in Claremont and Newport.  W. Roach feels this should be a private enterprise and not one the county should get involved in.  Richard Leone asked how many Sunapee residents were in the nursing home and the response was that there are none.  R. Leone also found out that there are 85 residents in the nursing home from Claremont.    D. Nashawaty recommended that a sub committee be appointed to work with the Board of Selectmen on efforts to reduce the county tax.  She believes that the people need to be educated.

Master Plan

Emma Smith reported that she received a telephone call from Peggy Chalmers, Chairman of the Planning Board,  informing her that Jeff Taylor, Planner (former director of the Office of State Planning) met with the Master Plan Review Committee June 15th.   J. Taylor assists communities with the preparation of master plans.  He did one for the Town of Newbury recently and it was reported that he did a good job.  J. Taylor will assist the Town of Sunapee, but the Planning Board does not have the funds to pay him.  P. Chalmers asked E. Smith if the Board of Selectmen might be able to contribute some funding.  They need $1,500 to $2,000 to get started this year.  D. Nashawaty spoke highly of J. Taylor stating it was he that created the first charrette.  P. Chalmers also called D. Nashawaty.  D. Nashawaty told P. Chalmers she would speak to the Selectmen about using some of the manager’s contingency fund.  E. Smith wondered if some of the money could be given to the Planning Board now and next year an article appear on the warrant
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June 19, 2006

to appropriate more.  Stephen White expressed concern that the Planning Board did not come before the town before now as they knew that the review of the master plan would cost.  Fred Gallup suggested that the Planning Board slow down now on this endeavor
and request funds from the town in 2007 for the project.  He believes they need to do a little more leg work.  D. Nashawaty suggested that the Master Plan Review Committee should investigate what other towns have spent on master plans.  E. Smith stated she would report this to the Planning Board.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse            Approved_________________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                    Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                           Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup